Source code for corpkit.other

from __future__ import print_function

def quickview(results, n = 25):
    """view top n results as painlessly as possible.

    :param results: Interrogation data
    :type results: :class:``corpkit.interrogation.Interrogation``
    :param n: Show top *n* results
    :type n: int
    :returns: None

    import corpkit
    import pandas as pd
    import numpy as np
    import os
    import corpkit
    from corpkit.interrogation import Interrogation, Results, Totals

    # handle dictionaries too:
    dictpath = 'dictionaries'
    savedpath = 'saved_interrogations'

    # too lazy to code this properly for every possible data type:
    if n == 'all':
        n = 9999

    dtype = corpkit.interrogation.Interrogation

    if type(results) == str:
        if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(dictpath, results)):
            from corpkit.other import load
            results = load(results, loaddir = dictpath)

        elif os.path.isfile(os.path.join(savedpath, results)):
            from corpkit.other import load
            results = load(results)
            raise OSError('File "%s" not found.' % os.path.abspath(results))

    elif isinstance(results, Interrogation):
        if getattr(results, 'results'):
            datatype = results.results.iloc[0,0].dtype
            if datatype == 'int64':
                option = 't'
                option = '%'
            rq = results.query.get('operation', False)
            if rq:
                rq = rq.lower()
                if rq.startswith('k'):
                    option = 'k'
                if rq.startswith('%'):
                    option = '%'
                if rq.startswith('/'):
                    option = '/'
                the_list = list(results.results.columns)[:n]
                the_list = list(results.results.index)[:n]
        raise ValueError('Results not recognised.')

    # get longest word length for justification
    longest = max([len(i) for i in the_list])

    for index, entry in enumerate(the_list):
        if option == 't':
            if isinstance(results, Interrogation):
                if hasattr(results, 'results'):
                    to_get_from = results.results
                    tot = to_get_from[entry].sum()
                    to_get_from = results.totals
                    tot = to_get_from[entry]
            print('%s: %s (n=%d)' %(str(index).rjust(3), entry.ljust(longest), tot))
        elif option == '%' or option == '/':
            if isinstance(results, Interrogation):
                to_get_from = results.totals
                tot = to_get_from[entry]
                totstr = "%.3f" % tot
                print('%s: %s (%s%%)' % (str(index).rjust(3), entry.ljust(longest), totstr)) 
            elif dtype == corpkit.interrogation.Results:
                print('%s: %s (%s)' %(str(index).rjust(3), entry.ljust(longest), option))
            elif dtype == corpkit.interrogation.Totals:
                tot = results[entry]
                totstr = "%.3f" % tot
                print('%s: %s (%s%%)' % (str(index).rjust(3), entry.ljust(longest), totstr)) 
        elif option == 'k':
            print('%s: %s (l/l)' %(str(index).rjust(3), entry.ljust(longest)))
            print('%s: %s' %(str(index).rjust(3), entry.ljust(longest)))

def concprinter(dataframe, kind = 'string', n = 100, window = 35, columns = 'all', **kwargs):
    Print conc lines nicely, to string, latex or csv

    :param df: concordance lines from :class:``corpkit.corpus.Concordance``
    :type df: pd.DataFame 
    :param kind: output format
    :type kind: str ('string'/'latex'/'csv')
    :param n: Print first n lines only
    :type n: int/'all'
    :returns: None
    import corpkit

    df = dataframe.copy()

    if n > len(df):
        n = len(df)
    if not kind.startswith('l') and kind.startswith('c') and kind.startswith('s'):
        raise ValueError('kind argument must start with "l" (latex), "c" (csv) or "s" (string).')
    import pandas as pd

    # shitty thing to hardcode
    pd.set_option('display.max_colwidth', 100)

    if type(n) == int:
        to_show = df.head(n)
    elif n is False:
        to_show = df
    elif n == 'all':
        to_show = df
        raise ValueError('n argument "%s" not recognised.' % str(n))

    def resize_by_window_size(df, window):
        df.is_copy = False
        df['l'] = df['l'].str.slice(start=-window, stop=None)
        df['l'] = df['l'].str.rjust(window)
        df['r'] = df['r'].str.slice(start = 0, stop = window)
        df['r'] = df['r'].str.ljust(window)
        df['m'] = df['m'].str.ljust(df['m'].str.len().max())
        return df

    to_show.is_copy = False
    if window:
        to_show = resize_by_window_size(to_show, window)

    if columns != 'all':
        to_show = to_show[columns]

    if kind.startswith('s'):
        functi = pd.DataFrame.to_string
    if kind.startswith('l'):
        functi = pd.DataFrame.to_latex
    if kind.startswith('c'):
        functi = pd.DataFrame.to_csv

    return_it = kwargs.pop('return_it', False)

    if return_it:
        return functi(to_show, header=False, **kwargs)
        print(functi(to_show, header=False, **kwargs))

def save(interrogation, savename, savedir='saved_interrogations', **kwargs):
    Save an interrogation as pickle to *savedir*.

       >>> interro_interrogator(corpus, 'words', 'any')
       >>> save(interro, 'savename')

    will create ``./saved_interrogations/savename.p``

    :param interrogation: Corpus interrogation to save
    :type interrogation: corpkit interogation/edited result
    :param savename: A name for the saved file
    :type savename: str
    :param savedir: Relative path to directory in which to save file
    :type savedir: str
    :param print_info: Show/hide stdout
    :type print_info: bool
    :returns: None

        import cPickle as pickle
    except ImportError:
        import pickle as pickle
    import os
    from time import localtime, strftime
    import corpkit
    from corpkit.process import makesafe

    from corpkit.interrogation import Interrogation
    from corpkit.corpus import Corpus, Datalist

    print_info = kwargs.get('print_info', True)

    def make_filename(corpus, savename):
        """create a filename"""
        if '/' in savename:
            return savename

        firstpart = ''
        if savename.endswith('.p'):
            savename = savename[:-2]    
        savename = makesafe(savename, drop_datatype=False, hyphens_ok=True)
        if not savename.endswith('.p'):
            savename = savename + '.p'
        if hasattr(interrogation, 'query'):
            corpus = interrogation.query.get('corpus')
            if corpus:
                if isinstance(corpus, basestring):
                    firstpart = corpus
                    if isinstance(corpus, Datalist):
                        firstpart = Corpus(corpus).name
                    if hasattr(corpus, 'name'):
                        firstpart =
                        firstpart = ''
        if firstpart:
            return firstpart + '-' + savename
            return savename

    savename = make_filename(interrogation, savename)

    # delete unpicklable parts of query
    if hasattr(interrogation, 'query'):
        iq = interrogation.query
        from types import ModuleType, FunctionType, BuiltinMethodType, BuiltinFunctionType
        interrogation.query = {k: v for k, v in iq.items() if not isinstance(v, ModuleType) \
            and not isinstance(v, FunctionType) \
            and not isinstance(v, BuiltinFunctionType) \
            and not isinstance(v, BuiltinMethodType)}

    if savedir and not '/' in savename:
        if not os.path.exists(savedir):
        fullpath = os.path.join(savedir, savename)
        fullpath = savename

    while os.path.isfile(fullpath):
        import sys
        if sys.version_info.major == 3:
            selection = input(("\nSave error: %s already exists in %s.\n\n' \
                'Type 'o' to overwrite, or enter a new name: " % (savename, savedir)))
            selection = raw_input(("\nSave error: %s already exists in %s.\n\n' \
                'Type 'o' to overwrite, or enter a new name: " % (savename, savedir)))

        if selection == 'o' or selection == 'O':
            selection = selection.replace('.p', '')
            if not selection.endswith('.p'):
                selection = selection + '.p'
                fullpath = os.path.join(savedir, selection)

    with open(fullpath, 'wb') as fo:
        pickle.dump(interrogation, fo)
    time = strftime("%H:%M:%S", localtime())
    if print_info:
        print('\n%s: Data saved: %s\n' % (time, fullpath))

[docs]def load(savename, loaddir = 'saved_interrogations'): """ Load saved data into memory: >>> loaded = load('interro') will load ``./saved_interrogations/interro.p`` as loaded :param savename: Filename with or without extension :type savename: str :param loaddir: Relative path to the directory containg *savename* :type loaddir: str :param only_concs: Set to True if loading concordance lines :type only_concs: bool :returns: loaded data """ try: import cPickle as pickle except ImportError: import pickle as pickle import os if not savename.endswith('.p'): savename = savename + '.p' if loaddir: if '/' not in savename: fullpath = os.path.join(loaddir, savename) else: fullpath = savename else: fullpath = savename with open(fullpath, 'rb') as fo: data = pickle.load(fo) return data
def loader(savedir = 'saved_interrogations'): """Show a list of data that can be loaded, and then load by user input of index""" import glob import os import corpkit from other import load fs = [i for i in glob.glob(r'%s/*' % savedir) if not os.path.basename(i).startswith('.')] string_to_show = '\nFiles in %s:\n' % savedir most_digits = max([len(str(i)) for i, j in enumerate(fs)]) for index, fname in enumerate(fs): string_to_show += str(index).rjust(most_digits) + ':\t' + os.path.basename(fname) + '\n' print(string_to_show) try: index = raw_input('Enter index of item to load: ') except: index = input('Enter index of item to load: ') if ' ' in index or '=' in index: if '=' in index: index = index.replace(' = ', ' ') index = index.replace('=', ' ') varname, ind = index.split(' ', 1) globals()[varname] = load(os.path.basename(fs[int(ind)])) print("%s = %s. Don't do this again." % (varname, os.path.basename(fs[int(ind)]))) return try: index = int(index) except: raise ValueError('Selection not recognised.') return load(os.path.basename(fs[index]))
[docs]def new_project(name, loc = '.', **kwargs): """Make a new project in ``loc``. :param name: A name for the project :type name: str :param loc: Relative path to directory in which project will be made :type loc: str :returns: None """ import corpkit import os import shutil import stat import platform from time import strftime, localtime root = kwargs.get('root', False) path_to_corpkit = os.path.dirname(corpkit.__file__) thepath, corpkitname = os.path.split(path_to_corpkit) # make project directory fullpath = os.path.join(loc, name) try: os.makedirs(fullpath) except: if root: thetime = strftime("%H:%M:%S", localtime()) print('%s: Directory already exists: "%s"' %( thetime, fullpath)) return else: raise # make other directories dirs_to_make = ['data', 'images', 'saved_interrogations', \ 'saved_concordances', 'dictionaries', 'exported', 'logs'] #subdirs_to_make = ['dictionaries', 'saved_interrogations'] for directory in dirs_to_make: os.makedirs(os.path.join(fullpath, directory)) #for subdir in subdirs_to_make: #os.makedirs(os.path.join(fullpath, 'data', subdir)) # copy the bnc dictionary to dictionaries def resource_path(relative): import os return os.path.join(os.environ.get("_MEIPASS2",os.path.abspath(".")),relative) corpath = os.path.dirname(corpkit.__file__) if root: corpath = corpath.replace('/lib/python2.7/', '') baspat = os.path.dirname(corpath) dicpath = os.path.join(corpath, 'dictionaries') try: shutil.copy(os.path.join(dicpath, 'bnc.p'), os.path.join(fullpath, 'dictionaries')) except: # find out why bnc not found! if root: try: shutil.copy(resource_path(os.path.join('dictionaries', 'bnc.p')), os.path.join(fullpath, 'dictionaries')) except: pass if not root: thetime = strftime("%H:%M:%S", localtime()) print('\n%s: New project created: "%s"\n' % (thetime, name))
[docs]def load_all_results(data_dir='saved_interrogations', **kwargs): """ Load every saved interrogation in data_dir into a dict: >>> r = load_all_results() :param data_dir: path to saved data :type data_dir: str :returns: dict with filenames as keys """ import os from time import localtime, strftime from other import load from process import makesafe root = kwargs.get('root', False) note = kwargs.get('note', False) datafiles = [f for f in os.listdir(data_dir) if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(data_dir, f)) \ and f.endswith('.p')] # just load first n (for testing) if kwargs.get('n', False): datafiles = datafiles[:kwargs['n']] output = {} l = 0 for index, f in enumerate(datafiles): try: loadname = f.replace('.p', '') output[loadname] = load(f, loaddir = data_dir) time = strftime("%H:%M:%S", localtime()) print('%s: %s loaded as %s.' % (time, f, makesafe(loadname))) l += 1 except: time = strftime("%H:%M:%S", localtime()) print('%s: %s failed to load. Try using load to find out the matter.' % (time, f)) if note and len(datafiles) > 3: note.progvar.set((index + 1) * 100.0 / len(datafiles)) if root: root.update() time = strftime("%H:%M:%S", localtime()) print('%s: %d interrogations loaded from %s.' % (time, l, os.path.basename(data_dir))) from interrogation import Interrodict return Interrodict(output)
def texify(series, n = 20, colname = 'Keyness', toptail = False, sort = False): """turn a series into a latex table""" import corpkit import pandas as pd if sort: df = pd.DataFrame(series.order(ascending = False)) else: df = pd.DataFrame(series) df.columns = [colname] if not toptail: return df.head(n).to_latex() else: comb = pd.concat([df.head(n), df.tail(n)]) longest_word = max([len(w) for w in list(comb.index)]) tex = ''.join(comb.to_latex()).split('\n') linelin = len(tex[0]) try: newline = (' ' * (linelin / 2)) + ' &' newline_len = len(newline) newline = newline + (' ' * (newline_len - 1)) + r'\\' newline = newline.replace(r' \\', r'... \\') newline = newline.replace(r' ', r'... ', 1) except: newline = r'... & ... \\' tex = tex[:n+4] + [newline] + tex[n+4:] tex = '\n'.join(tex) return tex
[docs]def as_regex(lst, boundaries = 'w', case_sensitive = False, inverse = False): """Turns a wordlist into an uncompiled regular expression :param lst: A wordlist to convert :type lst: list :param boundaries: :type boundaries: str -- 'word'/'line'/'space'; tuple -- (leftboundary, rightboundary) :param case_sensitive: Make regular expression case sensitive :type case_sensitive: bool :param inverse: Make regular expression inverse matching :type inverse: bool :returns: regular expression as string """ import corpkit import re if case_sensitive: case = r'' else: case = r'(?i)' if not boundaries: boundary1 = r'' boundary2 = r'' elif type(boundaries) == tuple or type(boundaries) == list: boundary1 = boundaries[0] boundary2 = boundaries[1] else: if boundaries.startswith('w') or boundaries.startswith('W'): boundary1 = r'\b' boundary2 = r'\b' elif boundaries.startswith('l') or boundaries.startswith('L'): boundary1 = r'^' boundary2 = r'$' elif boundaries.startswith('s') or boundaries.startswith('S'): boundary1 = r'\s' boundary2 = r'\s' else: raise ValueError('Boundaries not recognised. Use a tuple for custom start and end boundaries.') if inverse: inverser1 = r'(?!' inverser2 = r')' else: inverser1 = r'' inverser2 = r'' if inverse: joinbit = r'%s|%s' % (boundary2, boundary1) return case + inverser1 + r'(' + boundary1 + joinbit.join(sorted(list(set([re.escape(w) for w in lst])))) + boundary2 + r')' + inverser2 else: return case + boundary1 + inverser1 + r'(' + r'|'.join(sorted(list(set([re.escape(w) for w in lst])))) + r')' + inverser2 + boundary2
def make_multi(interrogation, indexnames = None): """ make pd.multiindex version of an interrogation (for pandas geeks) :param interrogation: a corpkit interrogation :type interrogation: a corpkit interrogation, pd.DataFrame or pd.Series :param indexnames: pass in a list of names for the multiindex; leave as None to get them if possible from interrogation use False to explicitly not get them :type indexnames: list of strings/None/False :returns: pd.DataFrame with multiindex""" # get proper names for index if possible translator = {'f': 'Function', 'l': 'Lemma', 'r': 'Distance from root', 'w': 'Word', 't': 'Trees', 'i': 'Index', 'n': 'N-grams', 'p': 'POS', 'g': 'Governor', 'd': 'Dependent', 'gp': 'Governor POS', 'dp': 'Dependent POS', 'gl': 'Governor lemma', 'dl': 'Dependent lemma', 'gf': 'Governor function', 'df': 'Dependent function'} import numpy as np import pandas as pd # if it's an interrodict, we want to make it into a single df import corpkit from interrogation import Interrodict, Interrogation if interrogation.__class__ == Interrodict: import pandas as pd import numpy as np flat = [[], [], []] for name, data in list(interrogation.items()): for subcorpus in list(data.results.index): flat[0].append(name) flat[1].append(subcorpus) flat[2].append(data.results.ix[subcorpus]) flat[0] = np.array(flat[0]) flat[1] = np.array(flat[1]) df = pd.DataFrame(flat[2], index = flat[:2]) if indexnames is None: indexnames = ['Corpus', 'Subcorpus'] df.index.names = indexnames df = df.fillna(0) df = df.T df[('Total', 'Total')] = df.sum(axis = 1) df = df.sort_values(by=('Total', 'Total'), ascending = False).drop(('Total', 'Total'), axis = 1).T try: df = df.astype(int) except: pass return Interrogation(df, df.sum(axis = 1), interrogation.__dict__.get('query', None)) # determine datatype, get df and cols if type(interrogation) == pd.core.frame.DataFrame: df = interrogation cols = list(interrogation.columns) elif type(interrogation) == pd.core.series.Series: cols = list(interrogation.index) df = pd.DataFrame(interrogation).T else: cols = list(interrogation.results.columns) df = interrogation.results # set indexnames if we have them if indexnames is not False: if interrogation.query.get('show'): indexnames = [translator[i] for i in interrogation.query['show']] else: indexnames = False # split column names on slash for index, i in enumerate(cols): cols[index] = i.split('/') # make numpy arrays arrays = [] for i in range(len(cols[0])): arrays.append(np.array([x[i] for x in cols])) # make output df, add names if we have them newdf = pd.DataFrame(df.T.as_matrix(), index=arrays).T if indexnames: newdf.columns.names = indexnames pd.set_option('display.multi_sparse', False) totals = newdf.sum(axis = 1) query = interrogation.query try: conco = interrogation.__dict__.get('concordance', None) except: conco = None return Interrogation(newdf, totals, query, conco) def topwords(self, datatype='n', n=10, df=False, sort=True, precision=2): """Show top n results in each corpus alongside absolute or relative frequencies. :param relative: show abs/rel frequencies :type relative: bool :param n: number of result to show :type n: int :param df: return a DataFrame instead of a string :type df: bool :param sort: sort or leave as is :type sort: bool, 'reverse' :param precision: float precision :type precision: int :Example: >>> data.topwords(n = 5) TBT % UST % WAP % WSJ % health 25.70 health 15.25 health 19.64 credit 9.22 security 6.48 cancer 10.85 security 7.91 health 8.31 cancer 6.19 heart 6.31 cancer 6.55 downside 5.46 flight 4.45 breast 4.29 credit 4.08 inflation 3.37 safety 3.49 security 3.94 safety 3.26 cancer 3.12 :returns: None """ import corpkit from interrogation import Interrogation, Interrodict import pandas as pd pd.set_option('display.float_format', lambda x: format(x, '.%df' % precision)) strings = [] if sort == 'reverse': ascend = True sort = True else: ascend = False if datatype.lower().startswith('n'): operation = 'n' if datatype.lower().startswith('k'): operation = 'k' else: operation = '%' if type(self) == corpkit.interrogation.Interrodict: to_iterate = self.items() else: if sort is True: to_iterate = [(x, self.results.ix[x].sort_values(ascending = ascend)) for x in list(self.results.index)] else: to_iterate = [(x, self.results.ix[x]) for x in list(self.results.index)] for name, data in to_iterate: if type(self) == corpkit.interrogation.Interrodict: if sort is True: data = data.results.sum().sort_values(ascending = ascend) else: data = data.results.sum() # todo: if already float, don't do this operation... if operation == '%': data = data * 100.0 / data.sum() if operation == 'n': data = data.astype(float) if df: = name df1 = pd.DataFrame({'Result': list(data.index)[:n], operation: list(data)[:n]}) df1 = df1[['Result', operation]] strings.append(df1) #ser1 = pd.Series(list(data.index), index = range(len(data)))[:n] #ser2 = pd.Series(list(data), index = range(len(data)))[:n] = 'Result' = operation #strings.append(ser1) #strings.append(ser2) else: as_str = data[:n].to_string(header = False) linelen = len(as_str.splitlines()[1]) strings.append(name.ljust(linelen - 1) + '%s\n' % operation + as_str) # strings is a list of series as strings if df: dataframe = pd.concat(strings, axis = 1, keys = [i for i, j in to_iterate]) return dataframe output = '' for tup in zip(*[i.splitlines() for i in strings]): output += ' '.join(tup) + '\n' print(output)