Source code for corpkit.corpus

from __future__ import print_function

corpkit: Corpus and Corpus-like objects

from lazyprop import lazyprop
from corpkit.process import classname

[docs]class Corpus(object): """ A class representing a linguistic text corpus, which contains files, optionally within subcorpus folders. Methods for concordancing, interrogating, getting general stats, getting behaviour of particular word, etc. """ def __init__(self, path, **kwargs): import re import operator import glob import os from os.path import join, isfile, isdir, abspath, dirname, basename from corpkit.process import determine_datatype # levels are 'c' for corpus, 's' for subcorpus and 'f' for file. Which # one is determined automatically below, and processed accordingly. We # assume it is a full corpus to begin with. = None level = kwargs.pop('level', 'c') self.datatype = kwargs.pop('datatype', None) print_info = kwargs.get('print_info', True) if isinstance(path, Datalist) or isinstance(path, list): self.path = abspath(dirname(path[0].path.rstrip('/'))) = basename(self.path) = path else: self.path = abspath(path) = basename(path) # this messy code figures out as quickly as possible what the datatype # and singlefile status of the path is. it's messy because it shortcuts # full checking where possible some of the shortcutting could maybe be # moved into the determine_datatype() funct. self.singlefile = False if os.path.isfile(self.path): if self.path.endswith('.xml'): self.datatype = 'parse' self.singlefile = True elif self.path.endswith('-parsed'): if not isdir(self.path): if isdir(join('data', path)): self.path = abspath(join('data', path)) self.datatype = 'parse' if len([d for d in os.listdir(self.path) if isdir(join(self.path, d))]) > 0: self.singlefile = False if len([d for d in os.listdir(self.path) if isdir(join(self.path, d))]) == 0: level = 's' else: if level == 'c': if not self.datatype: self.datatype, self.singlefile = determine_datatype( self.path) if len([d for d in os.listdir(self.path) if isdir(join(self.path, d))]) == 0: level = 's' # if initialised on a file, process as file if self.singlefile and level == 'c': level = 'f' self.level = level # load each interrogation as an attribute if kwargs.get('load_saved', False): from corpkit.other import load from corpkit.process import makesafe if os.path.isdir('saved_interrogations'): saved_files = glob.glob(r'saved_interrogations/*') for filepath in saved_files: filename = os.path.basename(filepath) if not filename.startswith( continue not_filename = filename.replace( + '-', '') not_filename = os.path.splitext(not_filename)[0] if not_filename in ['features', 'wordclasses', 'postags']: continue variable_safe = makesafe(not_filename) try: setattr(self, variable_safe, load(filename)) if print_info: print( '\tLoaded %s as %s attribute.' % (filename, variable_safe)) except AttributeError: if print_info: print( '\tFailed to load %s as %s attribute. Name conflict?' % (filename, variable_safe)) if print_info: print('Corpus: %s' % self.path) # these two are duplicated from the file object. not good. @lazyprop def document(self): """Return the parsed XML of a parsed file""" if self.level != 'f': raise ValueError('Can only access document for File') from corenlp_xml.document import Document return Document(
[docs] def read(self, **kwargs): """Read file data. If data is pickled, unpickle first :returns: str/unpickled data """ if self.level != 'f': raise ValueError('Can only call read method on File') if self.datatype == 'tokens': import pickle with open(self.path, "rb", **kwargs) as openfile: data = pickle.load(openfile) return data else: with open(self.path, 'r', **kwargs) as openfile: data = return data
@lazyprop def subcorpora(self): """A list-like object containing a corpus' subcorpora.""" import re import os import operator from os.path import join, isdir if == Datalist or isinstance(, list): return if self.level == 'c': variable_safe_r = re.compile(r'[\W0-9_]+', re.UNICODE) sbs = Datalist(sorted([Subcorpus(join(self.path, d), self.datatype) for d in os.listdir(self.path) if isdir(join(self.path, d))], key=operator.attrgetter('name'))) for subcorpus in sbs: variable_safe = re.sub(variable_safe_r, '',',')[0]) setattr(self, variable_safe, subcorpus) return sbs @lazyprop def speakerlist(self): """A list of speakers in the corpus""" from import get_speaker_names_from_xml_corpus return get_speaker_names_from_xml_corpus(self.path) @lazyprop def files(self): """A list-like object containing the files in a folder >>> corpus.subcorpora[0].files """ import re import os import operator from os.path import join, isdir if self.level == 's': fls = [f for f in os.listdir(self.path) if not f.startswith('.')] fls = [File(f, self.path, self.datatype) for f in fls] fls = sorted(fls, key=operator.attrgetter('name')) return Datalist(fls) def __str__(self): """String representation of corpus""" show = 'Corpus at %s:\n\nData type: %s\nNumber of subcorpora: %d\n' % ( self.path, self.datatype, len(self.subcorpora)) if self.singlefile: show += '\nCorpus is a single file.\n' if 'features' in self.__dict__.keys(): if not self.singlefile: cols = list(self.features.columns)[:10] show += '\nFeatures:\n\n' + \ self.features.head(10).to_string(columns=cols) else: show += '\nFeatures:\n\n' + \ self.features.head(10).to_string() else: show += '\nFeatures not analysed yet. Use .features to calculate them.\n' return show def __repr__(self): """object representation of corpus""" import os if not self.subcorpora: ssubcorpora = '' else: ssubcorpora = self.subcorpora return "<%s instance: %s; %d subcorpora>" % ( classname(self), os.path.basename(self.path), len(ssubcorpora)) def __getitem__(self, key): from corpkit.process import makesafe if isinstance(key, slice): # Get the start, stop, and step from the slice return Datalist([self[ii] for ii in range( *key.indices(len(self.subcorpora)))]) elif isinstance(key, int): return self.subcorpora.__getitem__(makesafe(self.subcorpora[key])) else: try: return self.subcorpora.__getattribute__(key) except: from corpkit.process import is_number if is_number(key): return self.__getattribute__('c' + key) # METHODS @lazyprop def features(self): """ Generate and show basic stats from the corpus, including number of sentences, clauses, process types, etc. :Example: >>> corpus.features SB Characters Tokens Words Closed class words Open class words Clauses 01 26873 8513 7308 4809 3704 2212 02 25844 7933 6920 4313 3620 2270 03 18376 5683 4877 3067 2616 1640 04 20066 6354 5366 3587 2767 1775 """ import os from os.path import isfile, isdir, join from corpkit.interrogator import interrogator from corpkit.other import load from corpkit.dictionaries import mergetags savedir = 'saved_interrogations' if isfile(join(savedir, + '-features.p')): try: return load( + '-features').results except AttributeError: return load( + '-features') else: feat = interrogator(self, 's', 'any').results if isdir(savedir): + '-features') return feat @lazyprop def wordclasses(self): """ Generate and show basic stats from the corpus, including number of sentences, clauses, process types, etc. :Example: >>> corpus.wordclasses SB Characters Tokens Words Closed class words Open class words Clauses 01 26873 8513 7308 4809 3704 2212 02 25844 7933 6920 4313 3620 2270 03 18376 5683 4877 3067 2616 1640 04 20066 6354 5366 3587 2767 1775 """ import os from os.path import isfile, isdir, join from corpkit.interrogator import interrogator from corpkit.other import load from corpkit.dictionaries import mergetags savedir = 'saved_interrogations' if isfile(join(savedir, + '-wordclasses.p')): try: return load( + '-wordclasses').results except AttributeError: return load( + '-wordclasses') elif isfile(join(savedir, + '-postags.p')): try: posdata = load( + '-postags').results except AttributeError: posdata = load( + '-postags') return posdata.edit( merge_entries=mergetags, sort_by='total').results else: feat = interrogator(self, 't', 'any', show='pl').results if isdir(savedir): + '-wordclasses') return feat @lazyprop def postags(self): """ Generate and show basic stats from the corpus, including number of sentences, clauses, process types, etc. :Example: >>> corpus.postags SB NN VB JJ IN DT wo Open class words Clauses 01 26873 8513 7308 4809 3704 2212 02 25844 7933 6920 4313 3620 2270 03 18376 5683 4877 3067 2616 1640 04 20066 6354 5366 3587 2767 1775 """ import os from os.path import isfile, isdir, join from corpkit.interrogator import interrogator from corpkit.other import load from corpkit.dictionaries import mergetags savedir = 'saved_interrogations' if isfile(join(savedir, + '-postags.p')): try: return load( + '-postags').results except AttributeError: return load( + '-postags') else: feat = interrogator(self, 't', 'any', show='p').results if isdir(savedir): + '-postags') wordclss = feat.edit( merge_entries=mergetags, sort_by='total').results + '-wordclasses') return feat
[docs] def configurations(self, search, **kwargs): """ Get the overall behaviour of tokens or lemmas matching a regular expression. The search below makes DataFrames containing the most common subjects, objects, modifiers (etc.) of 'see': :param search: Similar to `search` in the `interrogate()` / `concordance() methods. `W`/`L keys match word or lemma; `F`: key specifies semantic role (`'participant'`, `'process'` or `'modifier'`. If `F` not specified, each role will be searched for. :type search: dict :Example: >>> see = corpus.configurations({L: 'see', F: 'process'}, show = L) >>> see.has_subject.results.sum() i 452 it 227 you 162 we 111 he 94 :returns: :class:`corpkit.interrogation.Interrodict` """ from corpkit.configurations import configurations return configurations(self, search, **kwargs)
[docs] def interrogate(self, search, *args, **kwargs): """ Interrogate a corpus of texts for a lexicogrammatical phenomenon. This method iterates over the files/folders in a corpus, searching the texts, and returning a :class:`corpkit.interrogation.Interrogation` object containing the results. The main options are `search`, where you specify search criteria, and `show`, where you specify what you want to appear in the output. :Example: >>> corpus = Corpus('data/conversations-parsed') ### show lemma form of nouns ending in 'ing' >>> q = {W: r'ing$', P: r'^N'} >>> data = corpus.interrogate(q, show = L) >>> data.results .. something anything thing feeling everything nothing morning 01 14 11 12 1 6 0 1 02 10 20 4 4 8 3 0 03 14 5 5 3 1 0 0 ... ... :param search: What the query should be matching. - t: tree - w: word - l: lemma - p: pos - f: function - g/gw: governor - gl: governor's lemma form - gp: governor's pos - gf: governor's function - d/dependent - dl: dependent's lemma form - dp: dependent's pos - df: dependent's function - i/index - n/ngrams (deprecated, use ``show``) - s/general stats :type search: str or dict. dict is used when you have multiple criteria. Keys are what to search as `str`, and values are the criteria, which is a Tregex query, a regex, or a list of words to match. Therefore, the two syntaxes below do the same thing: :Example: >>> corpus.interrogate(T, r'/NN.?/') >>> corpus.interrogate({T: r'/NN.?/'}) :param searchmode: Return results matching any/all criteria :type searchmode: str -- `'any'`/`'all'` :param exclude: The inverse of `search`, removing results from search :type exclude: dict -- `{L: 'be'}` :param excludemode: Exclude results matching any/all criteria :type excludemode: str -- `'any'`/`'all'` :param query: A search query for the interrogation. This is only used when `search` is a string, or when multiprocessing. If `search` is a `dict`, the query/queries are stored there as the values instead. When multiprocessing, the following is possible: :Example: >>> {'Nouns': r'/NN.?/', 'Verbs': r'/VB.?/'} ### return an :class:`corpkit.interrogation.Interrodict` object: >>> corpus.interrogate(T, q) ### return an :class:`corpkit.interrogation.Interrogation` object: >>> corpus.interrogate(T, q, show = C) :type query: - str -- regex/Tregex pattern (use when `search` is a `str`) - dict -- `{name: pattern}` (as per example above) - list -- word list to match :param show: What to output. If multiple strings are passed in as a ``list``, results will be colon-separated, in the suppled order. If you want to show ngrams, you can't have multiple values. Possible values are the same as those for ``search``, plus: - a/distance from root - n/ngram - nl/ngram lemma - np/ngram POS - npl/ngram wordclass :type show: ``str``/``list`` of strings :param lemmatise: Force lemmatisation on results. Deprecated: instead, output a lemma form with the `show` argument :type lemmatise: bool :param lemmatag: Explicitly pass a pos to lemmatiser (generally when data is unparsed), or when tag cannot be recovered from Tregex query :type lemmatag: False/'n'/'v'/'a'/'r' :param spelling: Convert all to U.S. or U.K. English :type spelling: False/'US'/'UK' :param dep_type: The kind of Stanford CoreNLP dependency parses you want to use :type dep_type: str -- 'basic-dependencies'/'a', 'collapsed-dependencies'/'b', 'collapsed-ccprocessed-dependencies'/'c' :param save: Save result as pickle to `saved_interrogations/<save>` on completion :type save: str :param gramsize: size of n-grams (default 2) :type gramsize: int :param split_contractions: make `"don't"` et al into two tokens :type split_contractions: bool :param multiprocess: how many parallel processes to run :type multiprocess: int / bool (to determine automatically) :param files_as_subcorpora: treat each file as a subcorpus :type files_as_subcorpora: bool :param do_concordancing: Concordance while interrogating, store as `.concordance` attribute :type do_concordancing: bool/'only' :param maxconc: Maximum number of concordance lines :type maxconc: int :returns: A :class:`corpkit.interrogation.Interrogation` object, with `.query`, `.results`, `.totals` attributes. If multiprocessing is invoked, result may be a :class:`corpkit.interrogation.Interrodict` containing corpus names, queries or speakers as keys. """ from corpkit.interrogator import interrogator par = kwargs.pop('multiprocess', None) kwargs.pop('corpus', None) if par and self.subcorpora: if isinstance(par, int): kwargs['multiprocess'] = par return interrogator(self.subcorpora, search, *args, **kwargs) else: return interrogator(self, search, *args, **kwargs)
[docs] def parse(self, corenlppath=False, operations=False, copula_head=True, speaker_segmentation=False, memory_mb=False, multiprocess=False, split_texts=400, *args, **kwargs): """ Parse an unparsed corpus, saving to disk :param corenlppath: folder containing corenlp jar files (use if *corpkit* can't find it automatically) :type corenlppath: str :param operations: which kinds of annotations to do :type operations: str :param speaker_segmentation: add speaker name to parser output if your corpus is script-like :type speaker_segmentation: bool :param memory_mb: Amount of memory in MB for parser :type memory_mb: int :param copula_head: Make copula head in dependency parse :type copula_head: bool :param multiprocess: Split parsing across n cores (for high-performance computers) :type multiprocess: int :Example: >>> parsed = corpus.parse(speaker_segmentation = True) >>> parsed <corpkit.corpus.Corpus instance: speeches-parsed; 9 subcorpora> :returns: The newly created :class:`corpkit.corpus.Corpus` """ from corpkit.make import make_corpus #from corpkit.process import determine_datatype #dtype, singlefile = determine_datatype(self.path) if self.datatype != 'plaintext': raise ValueError( 'parse method can only be used on plaintext corpora.') kwargs.pop('parse', None) kwargs.pop('tokenise', None) return Corpus( make_corpus( self.path, parse=True, tokenise=False, corenlppath=corenlppath, operations=operations, copula_head=copula_head, speaker_segmentation=speaker_segmentation, memory_mb=memory_mb, multiprocess=multiprocess, split_texts=400, *args, **kwargs))
[docs] def tokenise(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Tokenise a plaintext corpus, saving to disk :param nltk_data_path: path to tokeniser if not found automatically :type nltk_data_path: str :Example: >>> tok = corpus.tokenise() >>> tok <corpkit.corpus.Corpus instance: speeches-tokenised; 9 subcorpora> :returns: The newly created :class:`corpkit.corpus.Corpus` """ from corpkit.make import make_corpus #from corpkit.process import determine_datatype #dtype, singlefile = determine_datatype(self.path) if self.datatype != 'plaintext': raise ValueError( 'parse method can only be used on plaintext corpora.') kwargs.pop('parse', None) kwargs.pop('tokenise', None) return Corpus( make_corpus( self.path, parse=False, tokenise=True, *args, **kwargs))
[docs] def concordance(self, *args, **kwargs): """ A concordance method for Tregex queries, CoreNLP dependencies, tokenised data or plaintext. :Example: >>> wv = ['want', 'need', 'feel', 'desire'] >>> corpus.concordance({L: wv, F: 'root'}) 0 01 1-01.txt.xml But , so I feel like i do that for w 1 01 1-01.txt.xml I felt a little like oh , i 2 01 1-01.txt.xml he 's a difficult man I feel like his work ethic 3 01 1-01.txt.xml So I felt like i recognized li ... ... Arguments are the same as :func:`~corpkit.interrogation.Interrogation.interrogate`, plus: :param only_format_match: if True, left and right window will just be words, regardless of what is in ``show`` :type only_format_match: bool :param only_unique: only unique lines :type only_unique: bool :returns: A :class:`corpkit.interrogation.Concordance` instance """ from corpkit.interrogator import interrogator kwargs.pop('do_concordancing', None) kwargs.pop('conc', None) kwargs.pop('corpus', None) return interrogator(self, do_concordancing='only', *args, **kwargs)
[docs] def interroplot(self, search, **kwargs): """Interrogate, relativise, then plot, with very little customisability. A demo function. :Example: >>> corpus.interroplot(r'/NN.?/ >># NP') <matplotlib figure> :param search: search as per :func:`~corpkit.corpus.Corpus.interrogate` :type search: `dict` :param kwargs: extra arguments to pass to :func:`~corpkit.corpus.Corpus.visualise` :type kwargs: keyword arguments :returns: None (but show a plot) """ if isinstance(search, basestring): search = {'t': search} interro = self.interrogate(search=search, show=kwargs.pop('show', 'w')) edited = interro.edit('%', 'self', print_info=False) edited.visualise(, **kwargs).show()
[docs] def save(self, savename=False, **kwargs): """Save corpus class to file >>> :param savename: name for the file :type savename: str :returns: None """ from corpkit.other import save if not savename: savename = save(self, savename, savedir=kwargs.pop('savedir', 'data'), **kwargs)
[docs]class Subcorpus(Corpus): """Model a subcorpus, containing files but no subdirectories. Methods for interrogating, concordancing and configurations are the same as :class:`corpkit.corpus.Corpus`.""" def __init__(self, path, datatype): self.path = path kwargs = {'print_info': False, 'level': 's', 'datatype': datatype} Corpus.__init__(self, self.path, **kwargs) def __str__(self): return self.path def __repr__(self): return "<%s instance: %s>" % (classname(self), def __getitem__(self, key): from corpkit.process import makesafe if isinstance(key, slice): # Get the start, stop, and step from the slice return Datalist([self[ii] for ii in range(*key.indices(len(self.files)))]) elif isinstance(key, int): return self.files.__getitem__(makesafe(self.files[key])) else: try: return self.files.__getattribute__(key) except: from corpkit.process import is_number if is_number(key): return self.__getattribute__('c' + key)
[docs]class File(Corpus): """Models a corpus file for reading, interrogating, concordancing""" def __init__(self, path, dirname, datatype): import os from os.path import join, isfile, isdir self.path = join(dirname, path) kwargs = {'print_info': False, 'level': 'f', 'datatype': datatype} Corpus.__init__(self, self.path, **kwargs) if self.path.endswith('.p'): self.datatype = 'tokens' elif self.path.endswith('.xml'): self.datatype = 'parse' else: self.datatype = 'plaintext' def __repr__(self): return "<%s instance: %s>" % (classname(self), def __str__(self): return self.path @lazyprop def document(self): """Return the parsed XML of a parsed file""" from corenlp_xml.document import Document return Document(
[docs] def read(self, **kwargs): """Read file data. If data is pickled, unpickle first :returns: str/unpickled data """ if self.datatype == 'tokens': import pickle with open(self.path, "rb", **kwargs) as openfile: data = pickle.load(openfile) return data else: with open(self.path, 'r', **kwargs) as openfile: data = return data
[docs]class Datalist(object): """ A list-like object containing subcorpora or corpus files. Objects can be accessed as attributes, dict keys or by indexing/slicing. Methods for interrogating, concordancing and getting configurations are the same as for :class:`corpkit.corpus.Corpus` """ def __init__(self, data): import re import os from os.path import join, isfile, isdir from corpkit.process import makesafe self.current = 0 if data: self.high = len(data) else: self.high = 0 = data if data and len(data) > 0: for subcorpus in data: safe_var = makesafe(subcorpus) setattr(self, safe_var, subcorpus) def __str__(self): stringform = [] for i in stringform.append( return '\n'.join(stringform) def __repr__(self): return "<%s instance: %d items>" % (classname(self), len(self)) def __delitem__(self, key): self.__delattr__(key) def __getitem__(self, key): from corpkit.process import makesafe if isinstance(key, slice): # Get the start, stop, and step from the slice return Datalist([self[ii] for ii in range(*key.indices(len(self)))]) elif isinstance(key, int): return self.__getitem__(makesafe([key])) else: try: return self.__getattribute__(key) except: from corpkit.process import is_number if is_number(key): return self.__getattribute__('c' + key) def __setitem__(self, key, value): from corpkit.process import makesafe, is_number if key.startswith('c') and len(key) > 1 and all( is_number(x) for x in key[1:]): self.__setattr__(key.lstrip('c'), value) else: self.__setattr__(key, value) def __iter__(self): for datum in yield datum def __len__(self): return len( def __next__(self): # Python 3: def __next__(self) if self.current > self.high: raise StopIteration else: self.current += 1 return self.current - 1
[docs] def interrogate(self, *args, **kwargs): """Interrogate the corpus using :func:`~corpkit.corpus.Corpus.interrogate`""" from corpkit.interrogator import interrogator return interrogator(self, *args, **kwargs)
[docs] def concordance(self, *args, **kwargs): """Concordance the corpus using :func:`~corpkit.corpus.Corpus.concordance`""" from corpkit.interrogator import interrogator return interrogator(self, do_concordancing='only', *args, **kwargs)
[docs] def configurations(self, search, **kwargs): """Get a configuration using :func:`~corpkit.corpus.Corpus.configurations`""" from corpkit.configurations import configurations return configurations(self, search, **kwargs)
[docs]class Corpora(Datalist): """ Models a collection of Corpus objects. Methods are available for interrogating and plotting the entire collection. This is the highest level of abstraction available. :param data: Corpora to model :type data: `str` (path containing corpora), `list` (of corpus paths/Corpus objects) :class:`corpkit.corpus.Corpus` objects) """ def __init__(self, data=False, **kwargs): # if no arg, load every corpus in data dir if not data: data = 'data' # handle a folder containing corpora if isinstance(data, str) or isinstance(data, str): import os from os.path import join, isfile, isdir if not os.path.isdir(data): raise ValueError('Corpora(str) needs to point to a directory.') data = sorted([join(data, d) for d in os.listdir(data) if isdir(join(data, d))]) # otherwise, make a list of Corpus objects for index, i in enumerate(data): if isinstance(i, str): data[index] = Corpus(i, **kwargs) # now turn it into a Datalist Datalist.__init__(self, data) def __repr__(self): return "<%s instance: %d items>" % (classname(self), len(self)) def __getitem__(self, key): """allow slicing, indexing""" from corpkit.process import makesafe if isinstance(key, slice): # Get the start, stop, and step from the slice return Corpora([self[ii] for ii in range(*key.indices(len(self)))]) elif isinstance(key, int): return self.__getitem__(makesafe([key])) else: try: return self.__getattribute__(key) except: from corpkit.process import is_number if is_number(key): return self.__getattribute__('c' + key) @lazyprop def features(self): """Generate features attribute for all corpora""" for corpus in self: corpus.features @lazyprop def postags(self): """Generate postags attribute for all corpora""" for corpus in self: corpus.postags @lazyprop def wordclasses(self): """Generate wordclasses attribute for all corpora""" for corpus in self: corpus.wordclasses