Editing results

Corpus interrogation is the task of getting frequency counts for a lexicogrammatical phenomenon in a corpus. Simple absolute frequencies, however, are of limited use. The edit() method allows us to do complex things with our results, including:

Each of these will be covered in the sections below. Keep in mind that because results are stored as DataFrames, you can also use Pandas/Numpy/Scipy to manipulate your data in ways not covered here.

Keeping or deleting results and subcorpora

One of the simplest kinds of editing is removing or keeping results or subcorpora. This is done using keyword arguments: skip_subcorpora, just_subcorpora, skip_entries, just_entries. The value for each can be:

  1. A string (treated as a regular expression to match)
  2. A list (a list of words to match)
  3. An integer (treated as an index to match)
>>> criteria = r'ing$'
>>> result.edit(just_entries = criteria)
>>> criteria = ['everything', 'nothing', 'anything']
>>> result.edit(skip_entries = criteria)
>>> result.edit(just_subcorpora = ['Chapter_10', 'Chapter_11'])

You can also span subcorpora, using a tuple of (first_subcorpus, second_subcorpus). This works for numerical and non-numerical subcorpus names:

>>> just_span = result.edit(span_subcorpora=(3, 10))

Editing result names

You can use the replace_names keyword argument to edit the text of each result. If you pass in a string, it is treated as a regular expression to delete from every result:

>>> ingdel = result.edit(replace_names=r'ing$')

You can also pass in a dict with the structure of {newname: criteria}:

>>> rep = {'-ing words': r'ing$', '-ed words': r'ed$'}
>>> replaced = result.edit(replace_names=rep)

If you wanted to see how commonly words start with a particular letter, you could do something creative:

>>> from string import lowercase
>>> crit = {k.upper() + ' words': r'(?i)^%s.*' % k for k in lowercase}
>>> firstletter = result.edit(replace_names=crit, sort_by='total')

Spelling normalisation

When results are single words, you can normalise to UK/US spelling:

>>> spelled = result.edit(spelling='UK')

You can also perform this step when interrogating a corpus.

Generating relative frequencies

Because subcorpora often vary in size, it is very common to want to create relative frequency versions of results. The best way to do this is to pass in an operation and a denominator. The operation is simply a string denoting a mathematical operation: ‘+’, ‘-‘, ‘*’, ‘/’, ‘%’. The last two of these can be used to get relative frequencies and percentage.

Denominator is what the result will be divided by. Quite often, you can use the string 'self'. This means, after all other editing (deleting entries, subcorpora, etc.), use the totals of the result being edited as the denominator. When doing no other editing operations, the two lines below are equivalent:

>>> rel = result.edit('%', 'self')
>>> rel = result.edit('%', result.totals)

The best denominator, however, may not simply be the totals for the results being edited. You may instead want to relativise by the total number of words:

>>> rel = result.edit('%', corpus.features.Words)

Or by some other result you have generated:

>>> words_with_oo = corpus.interrogate(W, 'oo')
>>> rel = result.edit('%', words_with_oo.totals)

There is a more complex kind of relative frequency making, where a .results attribute is used as the denominator. In the example below, we calculate the percentage of the time each verb occurs as the root of the parse.

>>> verbs = corpus.interrogate(P, r'^vb', show=L)
>>> roots = corpus.interrogate(F, 'root', show=L)
>>> relv = verbs.edit('%', roots.results)


corpkit treats keywording as an editing task, rather than an interrogation task. This makes it easy to get key nouns, or key Agents, or key grammatical features. To do keywording, use the K operation:

### use predefined global variables
>>> from corpkit import *
>>> keywords = result.edit(K, SELF)

This finds out which words are key in each subcorpus, compared to the corpus as a whole. You can compare subcorpora directly as well. Below, we compare the plays subcorpus to the novels subcorpus.

. code-block:: python

>>> from corpkit import *
>>> keywords = result.edit(K, result.ix['novels'], just_subcorpora='plays')

You could also pass in word frequency counts from some other source. A wordlist of the British National Corpus is included:

>>> keywords = result.edit(K, 'bnc')


You can sort results using the sort_by keyword. Possible values are:

  • ‘name’ (alphabetical)
  • ‘total’ (most common first)
  • ‘infreq’ (inverse total)
  • ‘increase’ (most increasing)
  • ‘decrease’ (most decreasing)
  • ‘turbulent’ (by most change)
  • ‘static’ (by least change)
  • ‘p’ (by p value)
  • ‘slope’ (by slope)
  • ‘intercept’ (by intercept)
  • ‘r’ (by correlation coefficient)
  • ‘stderr’ (by standard error of the estimate)
  • ‘<subcorpus>’ by total in <subcorpus>
>>> inc = result.edit(sort_by='increase', keep_stats=False)

Many of these rely on Scipy’s linregress function. If you want to keep the generated statistics, use keep_stats=True.

Saving results

You can save edited results to disk.

>>> edited.save('savename')

Exporting results

You can generate CSV data very easily using Pandas:

>>> result.results.to_csv()