
Any interrogation is also optionally a concordance. If you use the do_concordancing keyword argument, your interrogation will have a concordance attribute containing concordance lines. Like interrogation results, concordances are stored as Pandas DataFrames. maxconc controls the number of lines produced.

>>> withconc = corpus.interrogate(T, r'/JJ.?/ > (NP <<# /man/)',
                                  do_concordancing=True, maxconc=500)

If you don’t want or need the interrgation data, you can use the concordance() method:

>>> conc = corpus.concordance(T, r'/JJ.?/ > (NP <<# /man/)')

Displaying concordance lines

How concordance lines will be displayed really depends on your interpreter and environment. For the most part, though, you’ll want to use the format() method.

>>> lines.format(kind='s'
                 columns=[L, M, R])

kind allows you to print as CSV ('c'), as LaTeX ('l'), or simple string ('s'). n controls the number of results shown. window controls how much context to show in the left and right columns. columns accepts a list of column names to show.

Pandas’ set_option can be used to customise some visualisation defaults.

Working with concordance lines

You can edit concordance lines using the edit() method. You can use this method to keep or remove entries or subcorpora matching regular expressions or lists. Keep in mind that because concordance lines are DataFrames, you can use Pandas’ dedicated methods for working with text data.

### get just uk variants of words with variant spellings
>>> from dictionaries import usa_convert
>>> concs = result.concordance.edit(just_entries=usa_convert.keys())

Concordance objects can be saved just like any other corpkit object:


You can also easily turn them into CSV data, or into LaTeX:

### pandas methods
>>> concs.to_csv()
>>> concs.to_latex()

### corpkit method: csv and latex
>>> concs.format('c', window=20, n=10)
>>> concs.format('l', window=20, n=10)

You can use the calculate() method to generate a frequency count of the middle column of the concordance. Therefore, one method for ensuring accuracy is to:

  1. Run an interrogation, using do_concordance=True
  2. Remove false positives from the concordance result
  3. Use the calculate method to regenerate the overall frequency

If you’d like to randomise the order of your results, you can use lines.shuffle()