Managing projects

corpkit has a few other bits and pieces designed to make life easier when doing corpus linguistic work. This includes methods for loading saved data, for working with multiple corpora at the same time, and for switching between command line and graphical interfaces. Those things are covered here.

Loading saved data

When you’re starting a new session, you probably don’t want to start totally from scratch. It’s handy to be able to load your previous work. You can load data in a few ways.

First, you can use corpkit.load(), using the name of the filename you’d like to load. By default, corpkit looks in the saved_interrogations directory, but you can pass in an absolute path instead if you like.

>>> import corpkit
>>> nouns = corpkit.load('nouns')

Second, you can use corpkit.loader(), which provides a list of items to load, and asks the user for input:

>>> nouns = corpkit.loader()

Third, when instantiating a Corpus object, you can add load_saved=True keyword argument to load any saved data belonging to this corpus as an attribute.

>>> corpus = Corpus('data/psyc-parsed', load_saved=True)

A final alternative approach stores all interrogations within an corpkit.interrogation.Interrodict object object:

>>> r = corpkit.load_all_results()

Managing multiple corpora

corpkit can handle one further level of abstraction for both Corpus and Interrogations. corpkit.corpus.Corpora models a collection of corpkit.corpus.Corpus objects. To create one, pass in a directory containing corpora, or a list of paths/Corpus objects:

>>> from corpkit import Corpora
>>> corpora = Corpora('data')

Individual corpora can be accessed as attributes, by index, or as keys:

>>> corpora.first
>>> corpora[0]
>>> corpora['first']

You can use the interrogate() method to search them, using the same arguments as you would for interrogate().

Interrogating these objects often returns an corpkit.interrogation.Interrodict object, which models a collection of DataFrames.

Editing can be performed with edit(). The editor will iterate over each DataFrame in turn, generally returning another Interrodict.


There is no visualise() method for Interrodict objects.

multiindex() can turn an Interrodict into a Pandas MultiIndex:

>>> multiple_res.multiindex()

collapse() will collapse one dimension of the Interrodict. You can collapse the x axis ('x'), the y axis ('y'), or the Interrodict keys ('k'). In the example below, an Interrodict is collapsed along each axis in turn.

>>> d = corpora.interrogate({F: 'compound', GL: r'^risk'}, show=L)
>>> d.keys()

    ['CHT', 'WAP', 'WSJ']

>>> d['CHT'].results

    ....  health  cancer  security  credit  flight  safety  heart
    1987      87      25        28      13       7       6      4
    1988      72      24        20      15       7       4      9
    1989     137      61        23      10       5       5      6

>>> d.collapse(axis=Y).results

    ...  health  cancer  credit  security
    CHT    3174    1156     566       697
    WAP    2799     933     582      1127
    WSJ    1812     680    2009       537

>>> d.collapse(axis=X).results

    ...  1987  1988  1989
    CHT   384   328   464
    WAP   389   355   435
    WSJ   428   410   473

>>> d.collapse(axis=K).results

    ...   health  cancer  credit  security
    1987     282     127      65        93
    1988     277     100      70       107
    1989     379     253      83        91

topwords() quickly shows the top results from every interrogation in the Interrodict.

>>> data.topwords(n=5)


TBT            %   UST            %   WAP            %   WSJ            %
health     25.70   health     15.25   health     19.64   credit      9.22
security    6.48   cancer     10.85   security    7.91   health      8.31
cancer      6.19   heart       6.31   cancer      6.55   downside    5.46
flight      4.45   breast      4.29   credit      4.08   inflation   3.37
safety      3.49   security    3.94   safety      3.26   cancer      3.12

Using the GUI

corpkit is also designed to work as a GUI. It can be started in bash with:

$ python -m corpkit.gui

The GUI can understand any projects you have defined. If you open it, you can simply select your project via Open Project and resume work in a graphical environment.