Creating projects and building corpora

Doing corpus linguistics involves building and interrogating corpora, and exploring interrogation results. corpkit helps with all of these things. This page will explain how to create a new project and build a corpus.

Creating a new project

The simplest way to begin using corpkit is to import it and to create a new project. Projects are simply folders containing subfolders where corpora, saved results, images and dictionaries will be stored. The simplest way is to do it is to use the new_project command in bash, passing in the name you’d like for the project as the only argument:

$ new_project psyc
# move there:
$ cd psyc
# now, enter python and begin ...

Or, from Python:

>>> import corpkit
>>> corpkit.new_project('psyc')
### move there:
>>> import os
>>> os.chdir('psyc')
>>> os.listdir('.')


Adding a corpus

Now that we have a project, we need to add some plain-text data to the data folder. At the very least, this is simply a text file. Better than this is a folder containing a number of text files. Best, however, is a folder containing subfolders, with each subfolder containing one or more text files. These subfolders represent subcorpora.

You can add your corpus to the data folder from the command line, or using Finder/Explorer if you prefer.

$ cp -R /Users/me/Documents/transcripts ./data

Or, in Python, using shutil:

>>> import shutil
>>> shutil.copytree('/Users/me/Documents/transcripts', './data')

If you’ve been using bash so far, this is the moment when you’d enter Python and import corpkit.

Creating a Corpus object

Once we have a corpus of text files, we need to turn it into a Corpus object.

>>> from corpkit import Corpus
### you can leave out the 'data' if it's in there
>>> unparsed = Corpus('data/transcripts')
>>> unparsed
<corpkit.corpus.Corpus instance: transcripts; 13 subcorpora>

Pre-processing the data

A Corpus object can only be interrogated if tokenisation or parsing has been performed. For this, corpkit.corpus.Corpus objects have tokenise() and parse() methods. Tokenising is faster, simpler, and will work for more languages. As shown below, you can also elect to POS tag and lemmatise the data:

> corpus = unparsed.tokenise(postags=True, lemmatisation=True)
# switch either to false to disable---but lemmatisation requires pos

Parsing relies on Stanford CoreNLP’s parser, and therefore, you must have the parser and Java installed. corpkit will look around in your PATH for the parser, but you can also pass in its location manually with (e.g.) corenlppath='users/you/corenlp'. If it can’t be found, you’ll be asked if you want to download and install it automatically. Parsing has sensible defaults, and can be run with:

>>> corpus = unparsed.parse()


Remember that parsing is a computationally intensive task, and can take a long time!

corpkit can also work with speaker IDs. If lines in your file contain capitalised alphanumeric names, followed by a colon (as per the example below), these IDs can be stripped out and turned into metadata features in the parsed dataset.

JOHN: Why did they change the signs above all the bins?
SPEAKER23: I know why. But I'm not telling.

To use this option, use the speaker_segmentation keyword argument:

>>> corpus = unparsed.parse(speaker_segmentation=True)

Tokenising or parsing creates a corpus that is structurally identical to the original, but with annotations in CONLL-U formatted files in place of the original .txt files. When parsing, there are also methods for multiprocessing, memory allocation and so on:

parse() argument Type Purpose
corenlppath str Path to CoreNLP
operations str List of annotations
copula_head bool Make copula head of dependency parse
speaker_segmentation bool Do speaker segmentation
memory_mb int Amount of memory to allocate
multiprocess int/bool Process in n parallel jobs
outname str Custom name for parsed corpus

You can run parsing operations from the command line:

$ parse mycorpus --multiprocess 4 --outname MyData

Manipulating a parsed corpus

Once you have a parsed corpus, you’re ready to analyse it. corpkit.corpus.Corpus objects can be navigated in a number of ways. CoreNLP XML is used to navigte the internal structure of CONLL-U files within the corpus.

>>> corpus[:3]                             # access first three subcorpora
>>> corpus.subcorpora.chapter1             # access subcorpus called chapter1
>>> f = corpus[5][20]                      # access 21st file in 6th subcorpus
>>> f.document.sentences[0].parse_string   # get parse tree for first sentence
>>> f.document.sentences.tokens[0].word    # get first word

Counting key features

Before constructing your own queries, you may want to use some predefined attributes for counting key features in the corpus.

>>> corpus.features


S   Characters   Tokens    Words  Closed class  Open class  Clauses  Sentences  Unmod. declarative  Passives  Mental processes  Relational processes  Mod. declarative  Interrogative  Verbal processes  Imperative  Open interrogative  Closed interrogative
01     4380658  1258606  1092113        643779      614827   277103      68267               35981     16842             11570                 11082              3691           5012              2962         615                 787                   813
02     3185042   922243   800046        471883      450360   209448      51575               26149     10324              8952                  8407              3103           3407              2578         540                 547                   461
03     3157277   917822   795517        471578      446244   209990      51860               26383      9711              9163                  8590              3438           3392              2572         583                 556                   452
04     3261922   948272   820193        486065      462207   216739      53995               27073      9697              9553                  9037              3770           3702              2665         652                 669                   530
05     3164919   921098   796430        473446      447652   210165      52227               26137      9543              8958                  8663              3622           3523              2738         633                 571                   467
06     3187420   928350   797652        480843      447507   209895      52171               25096      8917              9011                  8820              3913           3637              2722         686                 553                   480
07     3080956   900110   771319        466254      433856   202868      50071               24077      8618              8616                  8547              3623           3343              2676         615                 515                   434
08     3356241   972652   833135        502913      469739   218382      52637               25285      9921              9230                  9562              3963           3497              2831         692                 603                   442
09     2908221   840803   725108        434839      405964   191851      47050               21807      8354              8413                  8720              3876           3147              2582         675                 554                   455
10     2868652   815101   708918        421403      393698   185677      43474               20763      8640              8067                  8947              4333           3181              2727         584                 596                   424

This can take a while, as it counts a number of complex features. Once it’s done, however, it saves automatically, so you don’t need to do it again. There are also postags, wordclasses and lexicon attributes, which behave similarly:

>>> corpus.postags
>>> corpus.wordclasses
>>> corpus.lexicon

These results can be useful when generating relative frequencies later on. Right now, however, you’re probably interested in searching the corpus yourself, however. Hit Next to learn about that.